The Bombay High Court on Friday asked Air India and the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) to state their stand on a petition which alleges that domestic aircraft pilots are made to work extra hours and are denied sick leave.
The petition has been filed by Kandivli resident Anil Vora who earlier worked for a courier company.
In his petition, Vora states that the pilots of Air India are made to work “in violation of the mandatory flight time and duty limitations”.
“The pilots are discouraged from taking sick leaves as those who report sick are heavily penalised,” the petition further contends, quoting various media reports.
According to figures stated in the petition, domestic pilots are expected to operate flights for a total of 30 hours a week. It also notes that each flight crew must be relieved from all duties for at least 24 hours once a week.
“All these conditions are observed only in breach,” Behram Shroff, counsel for the petitioners told Newsline.
The case will now be heard on November 24.
Source : Indian Express
The petition has been filed by Kandivli resident Anil Vora who earlier worked for a courier company.
In his petition, Vora states that the pilots of Air India are made to work “in violation of the mandatory flight time and duty limitations”.
“The pilots are discouraged from taking sick leaves as those who report sick are heavily penalised,” the petition further contends, quoting various media reports.
According to figures stated in the petition, domestic pilots are expected to operate flights for a total of 30 hours a week. It also notes that each flight crew must be relieved from all duties for at least 24 hours once a week.
“All these conditions are observed only in breach,” Behram Shroff, counsel for the petitioners told Newsline.
The case will now be heard on November 24.
Source : Indian Express